IAT Professional Campus

Company Secretary

Company Secretary Course

Company Secretaryship is one of the courses offered by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, established under an Act of Parliament, namely the Company Secretaries Act, 1980.

The major contribution to industrial growth is from the corporate sector. Company Secretary is an important professional aiding in the efficient management of the corporate sector. The company secretary is responsible for the efficient administration of a company, particularly with regard to ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and for ensuring that decisions of the board of directors are implemented.

IAT Professional campus is the leading and best institute for excellent and professional coaching for Company Secretary Course in Kochi, Kerala. Our highly efficient and dedicated faculty comprising of Company Secretaries and subject specialists are the best suited resources for an aspiring professional.

Strict exam oriented teaching methodology combined with framed lecture notes for students encounter difficulties in taming the subjects. Keeping with modern practice class rooms provided with latest gadgets, data projectors and power point presentations are integrated beneficial for students. Weekly assessments of examinations are used to measure the study progress and academic performance of the students.


Company Secretary Syllabus

Foundation Programme

1) Business Environment and Law
2) Business Management, Ethics & Entrepreneurship
3) Business Economics
4) Fundamentals of Accounting &Auditing

Executive Programme

Module I

1) Company Law
2) Cost & Management Accounting
3) Economic &Environmental Laws
4) Tax Laws & Practice.

Module II

1) Company Accounts & Auditing Practices
2) Capital Markets & Securities Laws
3) Industrial, Labour & General Laws

Professional Programme

Module I

1) Advanced Company Law and Practices
2) Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management, Due Diligence
3) Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency

Module II

1) Information Technology and Systems Audit
2) Financial Treasury and Forex Management
3) Ethics, Governance and Sustainability

Module III

1) Advanced Tax Laws and Practice
2) Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings

Elective Subjects

1) Banking Law and Practices
2) Capital, Commodity and Money Market
3) Insurance Law and Practice
4) Intellectual Property Rights – Law and practice
5) International Business – Law and Practices